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Mental Illness  - 
Our new Coping titles will keep you abreast of difficult situations and how to deal with them. Mental illness has long been a taboo subject in our culture. But many of the beliefs people have about mental illness are based on misconceptions and antiquated information. This book defines the more common types of mental illness-including schizophrenia, depression, and bipolar disorder -- in order to demystify them. It discusses the various forms of treatment and services available to those suffering from mental illness, offers numerous coping tips for family members and those who are ill, and encourages people to confront and deal with their mental illness without shame.


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Mental Health and Illness  - 
This book is unique in that it specifically addresses the concerns that counsellors and psychotherapists may have about the mental health of their clients. It is published at a time of significant change in the management and treatment of mental illness both within the UK and internationally. In addition the roles of mental health practitioners and counsellors within NHS practice are undergoing notable review. The content provides a comprehensive introduction to contemporary issues in mental health, sign posting the importance and relevance of the topic to those working within the counselling and psychotherapy fields. The background to the current context of mental health care, treatment and management both within the UK and globally is outlined and definitions of mental health are discussed by way of drawing attention to the complex and diverse understanding of what constitutes mental illness.


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Helping Someone with Mental Illness  - 
The first thing you need to know is that life isn't over. "The good news," writes Mrs. Carter in Helping Someone with Mental Illness , "is that with proper diagnosis and treatment, the overwhelming majority of people with mental illness can now lead productive lives." Based on Mrs. Carter's twenty-five years of advocacy and the latest data from the Rosalynn Carter Symposia for Mental Illness, her book offers step-by-step information on what to do after the diagnosis: seeking the best treatment; evaluating health-care providers; managing workplace, financial, and legal matters. Mrs. Carter addresses the latest breakthroughs in understanding, research, and treatment of schizophrenia, depression, manic depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other mental disorders. She also discusses the emotional and psychological issues in caregiving for people with mental illness and offers concrete suggestions to help erase the prejudice and discrimination based on misinformation about mental illness. Her book is also a rich clearinghouse that guides readers to hundreds of specialized resources, including organizations, hot lines, newsletters, videos, books, websites, and more. From the Trade Paperback edition.


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Drugs and Mental Illness  - 
These nine titles discuss both individual drugs and drugs in society to present teens with solid information so that they can make smart choices. Some drugs alleviate the symptoms of mental illness and free sufferers to lead more normal lives. All too often, however, the relationship between drugs and mental illness is a downward spiral in which drug use and a mental disorder reinforce each other and lead to greater problems. How teens can recognize these patterns of abuse and rescue themselves or their friends is the subject of this book.


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